Heritage Tile

Heritage Tile is pleased to present Zen+Clay, a curated collection of exclusive field tile and mosaics of exceptional quality and craftsmanship. From the kilns of Tajimi, Japan, each series in the Zen+Clay collection blends timeless traditions with creative innovations for those seeking the authentic as an escape from the artificial. Express a uniquely Japanese wabi-sabi aesthetic in your next tile project. Discover how effortlessly these material options complement one another to create an immersive experience of harmony and tranquility.

Zen+Clay, the architectural ceramics of Japan. A Heritage Tile collection, where we care about the craft.

Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field tile in Quail Gold from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field tile in Quail Gold from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Flower pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Flower pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field tile in Icy Blue from the Zen+Clay Collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field tile in Icy Blue from the Zen+Clay Collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in assorted patterns and color options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in assorted patterns and color options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Lattice Weave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Lattice Weave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in herringbone pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in herringbone pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain rectangular field tile in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain rectangular field tile in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain in assorted formats and glaze options from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Metallic Bronze from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Metallic Bronze from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in Hex pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in Hex pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Cube Lattice pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Cube Lattice pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in Hex pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in Hex pattern in Bark from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric-texture field tile in Brick from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric-texture field tile in Brick from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Honeycomb pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Honeycomb pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in herringbone pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in herringbone pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick and Flower patterns in Light Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick and Flower patterns in Light Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric-texture field tile in Bone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric-texture field tile in Bone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave and pillowed field tile in Brick from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave and pillowed field tile in Brick from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Honeycomb pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Honeycomb pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome basketweave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick pattern in Light Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick pattern in Light Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with flower pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with flower pattern in Medium Earth from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick pattern in Medium Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with Stick pattern in Medium Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric texture field tile in Bone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Orimono series glazed porcelain fabric texture field tile in Bone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave and pillowed field tile in Cacao from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave and pillowed field tile in Cacao from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Lattice Weave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Henro series unglazed porcelain in polychrome Lattice Weave pattern from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Ruby from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue and White from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue and White from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Pearl from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field and textured brick tile in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Miyabi series glazed porcelain featured with torn-edge field and textured brick tile in Plum Red from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Sea Green from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Sea Green from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue and White from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue and White from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave pattern in Cacao and Alabaster from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanakago series glazed porcelain in weave pattern in Cacao and Alabaster from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Midnight Blue from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Burnt Umber from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Burnt Umber from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Moonstone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hokime series glazed porcelain in pre-mounted concave mosaic fields in Moonstone from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Sea Green from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Godai series glazed porcelain concave hex in Sea Green from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with flower pattern in Dark Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
Hanami series unglazed stoneware mosaic featured with flower pattern in Dark Wind from the Zen+Clay collection, Heritage Tile
For more information about this collection, please contact info@heritagetile.com, or at 888.387.3280.